Prologue We have lived incredible times in the past century. Women became equal to men in all aspects. The feminine collective consciousness must be very proud. I’m talking about United States. For good and bad, there’s no other country where the feminist movement had been taken to such an extreme. I feel fortunate for living […]
My Free-Range-Grass-Fed Little Devil – Reflections on the Dark Side
And if I show you my dark side, will you still hold me tonight? And if I open my heart to you and show you my weak side, what would you do? ~ The Final Cut, Pink Floyd In loving memory of my dear high school friend, Adrian, who passed away a long time ago. […]
Moving in Circles
My personal philosophy of moving in circles is not about traveling. It’s a life statement. It’s one of those counterintuitive ideas that mean something at the apparent level, but mean the opposite at a closer analysis. We are accustomed to giving “moving in circles” a bad name. We are displeased when we feel it happening, […]